Safety Apparel Tips For Your New Industrial Or Manufacturing Shop

If you will be opening up a new business focused on manufacturing or any kind of industrial process, you'll want to make sure your employees are able to stay safe on the job. Your shop should be well-stocked with safety apparel for every employee. To that end, here are some safety apparel tips to help get you started. Do You Need Flame Resistant Apparel? Does your production process involve the use of any tool or equipment that includes an open flame or the heating of materials? [Read More]

Putting Together Plans For Your Temporary Oilfield Housing

If you are trying to get your oilfield up and running, it's important that you make the right decisions that come with the territory. This means taking care of your contractors first and foremost. When you put your workers in a position to be comfortable and cared for, you will get more productivity and will lower the likelihood of accidents that could be avoided.  To this end, putting your workers up in temporary housing can be your best bet. [Read More]

Why Painted Refractory Coatings May Be Your Best Option

Whether you're building a backyard pizza oven or an industrial pottery kiln, making sure that the brick you use is properly protected from heat damage is essential. Refractory coatings are a great way to do this, as they are designed to create a high-heat barrier. Before you start planning your project, you need to consider what type of coating you're going to use for this protection. Paint-on refractory coatings are a great investment. [Read More]

2 Signs Your Factory Water Line's Check Valve Is Failing

If your factory uses water pipes as part of its daily functions, you may have noticed that they do not shut off completely when you attempt to close the check valve. If so, the leakage could be caused by a cracked pipe or a problem with the valve itself. If you suspect that the problem is causing the issue, look for the following signs indicating that the check valve is failing. [Read More]