2 Signs Your Factory Water Line's Check Valve Is Failing
If your factory uses water pipes as part of its daily functions, you may have noticed that they do not shut off completely when you attempt to close the check valve. If so, the leakage could be caused by a cracked pipe or a problem with the valve itself. If you suspect that the problem is causing the issue, look for the following signs indicating that the check valve is failing.
1. Pipes Vibrate When the Valve Is Being Shut
When you turn the lever to shut off the water running through the pipe, the check valve normally creates a seal when the disc is smoothly pushed into its seat. However, if the valve has started to deteriorate, the movement of the disc will become erratic. As you turn the lever, it may stick while it is in motion, then it will slam hard against the seat.
When the disc slams suddenly into the seat, the pressure it creates causes the valve and the pipe to vibrate violently. This vibration is called water hammering.
If water hammering occurs frequently, it can cause further damage inside the valve, eventually making it impossible to shut it. Also, since the pipes are also put under pressure from the vibrations, they could eventually come apart, causing a massive water leak.
2. Water Leaks Out Around the Valve When Closed Tightly
Along with water hammering, another sign to look for when trying to determine whether the check valve is malfunctioning is water leakage around the valve itself. Especially if the valve has been subjected to vibrations, the water may be leaking out of gaps created by the damage.
However, water leakage can also occur because the seals around the disc, seat, or lever are worn out or have been displaced. When the valve is closed tightly, the water pressure within the valve greatly increases.
Because the seals are subjected to this increase in force, they will not be able to withstand the water pressure, causing leaks around the valve. If the valve is not replaced, the seals will eventually become so worn that a steady stream of water will come out of them.
If the water line's valve is exhibiting the above signs, it is most likely failing and will need to be replaced before it damages the pipe. Contact an industrial valves supplier to discuss your options for replacing the check valve with a newer, more efficient model.